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The key to getting through another period of remote learning is getting expert support for your student! Assembly Learning supplies dedicated in-home tutors to support private groups of students ages 7-18 with remote learning, tutoring, and test prep

Learning Pods Bring Friends Together Safely

What is Assembly Learning?

By the end of the 2019-2020 school year, most students had experienced about three months of virtual learning, and many are looking at another semester of remote learning for the upcoming school year. It’s become clear to students, teachers and parents that a remote education is not as effective as in-person learning, and many parents fear that their child will be left behind once in-person schooling resumes, whenever that may be. Created by the established Command Education team, Assembly Learning is the answer to making sure your student does not fall behind due to remote schooling, gets help where they need it, and socially thrives in the company of their pod-mates. Our mission is to keep students on track during the upcoming academic year as schools move to online learning while keeping them safe.

Our Ivy League tutor + your hand-picked pod of up to four same-grade students meet daily at a location of your choice

How does it work?

  • Pods meet daily Monday through Friday from 9 am to 3 pm
  • Assembly Learning offers in-person learning at your home with an Ivy League-educated tutor
  • Tutors help students follow the school curriculum and support them in completing the work assigned
  • Depending on the age of the students and their learning needs,
    Assembly Learning matches families with a tutor who has the right skill-set for the pod.
  • Assembly Learning can offer customized tutoring for core subjects and test prep.

What is a Pod?

  • A pod is a small cluster of your student’s trusted friends who
    are taking every precaution to stay safe. You get to pick who
    is in your pod!

  • Pods can accommodate up to four students in the same
    grade level.

  • If there are multiple families in a pod, the pod can rotate locations.

  • Pods can accommodate up to four students staffed with
    one tutor from 9am to 3pm.

What are the benefits of setting up my own learning pod?

  • The isolation that has developed during the pandemic has been hard for students who thrive among peers. Pods bring back that social learning aspect while keeping safety in mind. That is why you get to pick your pod!

  • On an agreed-upon schedule, pods will meet as groups at different family homes within their pods, giving parents a break while their children get a fresh environment. Families will select the space for the pod to meet.

How do I sign up?

Assembly Learning pods are by invitation only and limited.  We hand-select the tutor to match your student’s needs and send them to you anywhere. Our first pod launches September 14 in the Hamptons. To start your own pod please call us at 212-368-1000.

Pricing per week (5 days)

Pricing starts at $3,500 per student per week in pods of 4 students


  • Teachers will be tested for Covid-19 on a weekly basis and we will follow the CDC safety guidelines
  • Masks will be mandatory for everyone present
  • Students must bring their own lunch
  • Once a pod group is created, we will aim to keep this group together

Book a consultation

Fill out the form below and we will call you back to schedule an appointment for a consultation.

[contact-form-7 id=”8260″ title=”Form 13 – Assembly Learning”]