The Common App is Open! Get your application done over a weekend with the College Application Booster​®.

Best Extracurriculars for College Applications

Even with perfect grades and standardized test scores, you will still need to ensure that your application can stand out in the sea of other applications when it comes time to apply to college. While colleges used to seek well-rounded students, they now build well-rounded classes, and look for students who excel in one particular area. Whether you are an elite-student athlete who runs free sports camps over the summer, an entrepreneurship student at Wharton’s summer program or a musician who offers composition advice on your growing Youtube channel; extracurriculars give you an avenue to show that you put time and effort into your passions! Check out the resources below to learn how to build a strong extracurricular profile!

Command Athletics®

Command Athletics® is a specialized program at Command Education, designed by former student-athletes at top universities, to offer individualized assistance to high…

Sourcing Volunteer Opportunities

Beyond that, it’s an essential component of any resume or college application (the Common Application allows for 10 possible entries…

Maximizing Your High School Summers

Summer activities are the perfect opportunity to explore your interests, develop skills, or make an impact in your community.

Internship/Research Assistance

Among the important components of the high school experience and, therefore, the college application, is how students choose to spend their…

Why Extracurriculars Matter

With an already packed schedule, many students question whether spending their limited free time on sports, clubs, and out-of-school…

Merit Based Summer Opportunities

Though it might feel much too early to start thinking about summer, winter is a perfect time to start searching for an applying to…

Passion Projects

As college admissions have become more competitive in the past few years, it is no longer enough to just have good grades and test scores…

How to start a Business as a Teenager

Many adults dream of being their own boss, but feel too established in their job to leave, too senior to learn a new industry, or too tired to put…

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(Please use this space to discuss your child’s interests, extra curricular activities, honors/awards, etc)