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How to Write the University of Notre Dame Essays

Updated for 2024-2025

The University of Notre Dame requires students to write and submit five supplemental essays in total—two required essays of 100 and 150 words respectively, and three short-answer responses of 50 words chosen from a list of five options. It is important to note that the admissions officers do not have a preference as to which prompts you choose to answer, so you choose the prompts that most effectively allow you to tell your story. No matter which prompts you choose, be sure to start early so you have plenty of time to write strong and concise responses!

Prompt 1:

Briefly share what draws you to the area(s) of study you listed.* (100 words)



Your answer to this question should be anecdotal and specific in nature. With only 100 words to work with, you should start your answer with a very brief narrative conveying that which piqued your interest in your subject of choice, then write a few sentences about why it interests you. Your description should include examples of how you have already pursued this topic, both in and outside of the classroom—you should demonstrate to admissions officers that you have pursued this interest in hands-on ways during your high school years. Doing so will not only show that you have more than a passing interest in the field, but it will also paint a picture of how you will use your core passion to enrich their campus community. If space allows, name specific subfields or research areas you are looking forward to pursuing in college to broaden and deepen your engagement with the subject matter, including one or two opportunities specific to Notre Dame.



Working in a research laboratory this summer taught me what it means for a group of people to work together towards a common goal that supersedes their personal gain. Though our field is far from discovering a cure for cystic fibrosis, the chloride secretion research I devoted my summer to deepened my passion for biology and the study of genetic mutations. I would be thrilled to major in biology at Notre Dame, concentrating in evolutions and genomics, and joining professors Nerenberg and Cerrone on their CF research endeavors.

Prompt 2:

Everyone has different priorities when considering their higher education options and building their college or university list. Tell us about your “non-negotiable” factor(s) when searching for your future college home.* (150 words)



Given that you have likely compiled your college list within the last six months, your response to this prompt should be fresh in your mind. Take some time to reflect on the qualities, characteristics, or aspects that you consider non-negotiable in your future college or university. These are the factors that are most important to you and that will significantly impact your decision. You should go back through the notes you took during college visits and other materials you compiled as you evaluated schools on your list for inspiration. Due to the limited word count, whittle your topic down to one or two important factors rather than trying to list them all. Then, share the personal, academic, or professional reasons that make these factors a priority in your college search. Finally, in one sentence or so, explain how your non-negotiable factor(s) align with your academic and personal goals. Discuss how choosing a college that prioritizes this factor(s) will contribute to your future success and well-being.



Making the decision to attend a Catholic high school was not easy; I’d been admitted to my local STEM magnet high school, ranked as the number one STEM high school on the East coast. Yet, I knew intuitively that I wanted my education to align with my religious values and that attending Saint Anne’s would offer me the opportunity to ground my academic growth in my faith. During my time there, I blossomed in my understanding of how faith can inform the way one chooses to navigate the world. Now, equipped with the knowledge that I want to pursue a career devoted to the service of those born with genetic conditions, I seek an undergraduate institution that offers both a world class education and a pedagogy rooted in faith and service. In other words, I know I want to call Notre Dame home for the next four years.

Prompt 3:

Please choose three questions from the options below. Your response to each short-answer question should be between 50-100 words.

1. How does faith influence the decisions you make?



Notre Dame is a Catholic institution, and the admissions committee is seeking to understand how the religious environment and mission of the school aligns with your own personal beliefs. Regardless of your faith background, consider how your choices are informed by spiritual conviction (whether religious or secular) and how you intend to carry those convictions into the next stage of your education.

2. What is distinctive about your personal experiences and development (eg, family support, culture, disability, personal background, community)? Why are these experiences important to you and how will you enrich the Notre Dame community?



A classic diversity question, this prompt gives you the opportunity to share something about who you are or what you have experienced that will set you apart from other applicants. Notre Dame seeks to admit a diverse group of students to their incoming class every year, so the more unique and distinctive your choice, the better. Though you only have 50-100 words to answer this question, be sure to both name and describe the unique factor or experience and convey how it will help you contribute to your future community. Remember that whatever you choose, it should not be mentioned elsewhere in your application. Rather, it should shed light on a new facet of your applicant profile and serve to set you apart from your peers.

3. Notre Dame’s undergraduate experience is characterized by a collective sense of care for every person. How do you foster service to others in your community?



This is your chance to write about the community service work you have participated in throughout your high school career. Choose a specific and well-documented example of how you have fostered service to others in your community. This could be a single event or an ongoing initiative, but it should be meaningful and impactful. Because you only have 50-100 words, be sure to focus your response on your unique contributions and the impact you have had on others, rather than on the cause or the reason why you are committed to the particular service opportunity (though you should make a brief mention of your motivation or passion). Finally, briefly share your plans for future involvement and how you intend to further contribute to positive change in the communities of which you are a part.

4. What compliment are you most proud of receiving, and why does it mean so much to you?



While you should be thoughtful and reflective in choosing the compliment you wish to write about, note that the most important element of this essay is your description of its meaning to you. Rather than offering an opportunity to brag, this question seeks to understand your core values. Do you hold personal growth, kindness, academic excellence, wit or a particular skill or accomplishment in high regard? What does this say about who you are and what you want for yourself and your future? Select a compliment that truly speaks to who you are and what you value. It could be related to your character, work ethic, kindness, creativity, or any other quality that you hold in high regard. The compliment doesn’t have to be grand or come from someone with authority—it could be something small but significant that left a lasting impression on you, or it could have particular meaning for you because it came from someone you didn’t expect it to come from. What will make the difference between a good essay and a great one is your thoughtful articulation of why the comment was meaningful to you.



“You’ll be able to succeed in anything you set your mind to accomplishing. It will be both a blessing and a curse.”
My math teacher’s words weighed heavily on me as I walked out of my last day of junior year. We had grown close after I’d attended his extra help lunch sessions four days a week for most of the year, determined to earn straight As in my weakest subject. I knew he was impressed by my determination, but his words helped me to realize just how far this quality will bring me as I look to my future.

5. What would you fight for?



This question is aimed at understanding your core values and deeply held convictions. When you name what you believe is worth fighting for, be sure to also explain the significance of the cause or belief. This could be because it addresses a pressing societal need, upholds a moral principle, or aligns with your personal values.

Prompt 1:

Briefly share what draws you to the area(s) of study you listed.* (100 words)



Your answer to this question should be anecdotal and specific in nature. With only 100 words to work with, you should start your answer with a very brief narrative conveying that which piqued your interest in your subject of choice, then write a few sentences about why it interests you. Your description should include examples of how you have already pursued this topic, both in and outside of the classroom—you should demonstrate to admissions officers that you have pursued this interest in hands-on ways during your high school years. Doing so will not only show that you have more than a passing interest in the field, but it will also paint a picture of how you will use your core passion to enrich their campus community. If space allows, name specific subfields or research areas you are looking forward to pursuing in college to broaden and deepen your engagement with the subject matter, including one or two opportunities specific to Notre Dame.



Working in a research laboratory this summer taught me what it means for a group of people to work together towards a common goal that supersedes their personal gain. Though our field is far from discovering a cure for cystic fibrosis, the chloride secretion research I devoted my summer to deepened my passion for biology and the study of genetic mutations. I would be thrilled to major in biology at Notre Dame, concentrating in evolutions and genomics, and joining professors Nerenberg and Cerrone on their CF research endeavors.

Prompt 2:

Everyone has different priorities when considering their higher education options and building their college or university list. Tell us about your “non-negotiable” factor(s) when searching for your future college home.* (150 words)



Given that you have likely compiled your college list within the last six months, your response to this prompt should be fresh in your mind. Take some time to reflect on the qualities, characteristics, or aspects that you consider non-negotiable in your future college or university. These are the factors that are most important to you and that will significantly impact your decision. You should go back through the notes you took during college visits and other materials you compiled as you evaluated schools on your list for inspiration. Due to the limited word count, whittle your topic down to one or two important factors rather than trying to list them all. Then, share the personal, academic, or professional reasons that make these factors a priority in your college search. Finally, in one sentence or so, explain how your non-negotiable factor(s) align with your academic and personal goals. Discuss how choosing a college that prioritizes this factor(s) will contribute to your future success and well-being.



Making the decision to attend a Catholic high school was not easy; I’d been admitted to my local STEM magnet high school, ranked as the number one STEM high school on the East coast. Yet, I knew intuitively that I wanted my education to align with my religious values and that attending Saint Anne’s would offer me the opportunity to ground my academic growth in my faith. During my time there, I blossomed in my understanding of how faith can inform the way one chooses to navigate the world. Now, equipped with the knowledge that I want to pursue a career devoted to the service of those born with genetic conditions, I seek an undergraduate institution that offers both a world class education and a pedagogy rooted in faith and service. In other words, I know I want to call Notre Dame home for the next four years.

Prompt 3:

Please choose three questions from the options below. Your response to each short-answer question should be between 50-100 words.

1. How does faith influence the decisions you make?



Notre Dame is a Catholic institution, and the admissions committee is seeking to understand how the religious environment and mission of the school aligns with your own personal beliefs. Regardless of your faith background, consider how your choices are informed by spiritual conviction (whether religious or secular) and how you intend to carry those convictions into the next stage of your education.

2. What is distinctive about your personal experiences and development (eg, family support, culture, disability, personal background, community)? Why are these experiences important to you and how will you enrich the Notre Dame community?



A classic diversity question, this prompt gives you the opportunity to share something about who you are or what you have experienced that will set you apart from other applicants. Notre Dame seeks to admit a diverse group of students to their incoming class every year, so the more unique and distinctive your choice, the better. Though you only have 50-100 words to answer this question, be sure to both name and describe the unique factor or experience and convey how it will help you contribute to your future community. Remember that whatever you choose, it should not be mentioned elsewhere in your application. Rather, it should shed light on a new facet of your applicant profile and serve to set you apart from your peers.

3. Notre Dame’s undergraduate experience is characterized by a collective sense of care for every person. How do you foster service to others in your community?



This is your chance to write about the community service work you have participated in throughout your high school career. Choose a specific and well-documented example of how you have fostered service to others in your community. This could be a single event or an ongoing initiative, but it should be meaningful and impactful. Because you only have 50-100 words, be sure to focus your response on your unique contributions and the impact you have had on others, rather than on the cause or the reason why you are committed to the particular service opportunity (though you should make a brief mention of your motivation or passion). Finally, briefly share your plans for future involvement and how you intend to further contribute to positive change in the communities of which you are a part.

4. What compliment are you most proud of receiving, and why does it mean so much to you?



While you should be thoughtful and reflective in choosing the compliment you wish to write about, note that the most important element of this essay is your description of its meaning to you. Rather than offering an opportunity to brag, this question seeks to understand your core values. Do you hold personal growth, kindness, academic excellence, wit or a particular skill or accomplishment in high regard? What does this say about who you are and what you want for yourself and your future? Select a compliment that truly speaks to who you are and what you value. It could be related to your character, work ethic, kindness, creativity, or any other quality that you hold in high regard. The compliment doesn’t have to be grand or come from someone with authority—it could be something small but significant that left a lasting impression on you, or it could have particular meaning for you because it came from someone you didn’t expect it to come from. What will make the difference between a good essay and a great one is your thoughtful articulation of why the comment was meaningful to you.



“You’ll be able to succeed in anything you set your mind to accomplishing. It will be both a blessing and a curse.”
My math teacher’s words weighed heavily on me as I walked out of my last day of junior year. We had grown close after I’d attended his extra help lunch sessions four days a week for most of the year, determined to earn straight As in my weakest subject. I knew he was impressed by my determination, but his words helped me to realize just how far this quality will bring me as I look to my future.

5. What would you fight for?



This question is aimed at understanding your core values and deeply held convictions. When you name what you believe is worth fighting for, be sure to also explain the significance of the cause or belief. This could be because it addresses a pressing societal need, upholds a moral principle, or aligns with your personal values.