To sweeten your college search, we’re serving five pies on today’s menu:
Chess Pie (Extracurriculars)
Extracurriculars are generally considered important or very important by top schools. These activities are a great way to differentiate yourself from other candidates with great test scores and GPAs. To find out why, check out our blog post about why extracurriculars matter.
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Source: How do extracurricular activities factor into the admissions process of Ivy Plus schools? (Common Data Set)
Lemon Meringue (Study Abroad)
As variety is the spice of life, the college experience can be improved by the zest of study abroad. Here are the most popular continental destinations for US students who participate in study abroad, the majority of whom could have the opportunity to sample Europe’s meringue pies:
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Source: Percent of U.S. Study Abroad Students by Host Region
Pecan (College Enrollment)
PEE-can or pa-kawn pie, however you pronounce it, is a Southern delicacy likely enjoyed by the multitude of students attending colleges throughout the South! In fact, if all college students were put into a pie, colleges and universities in the southern US would represent the largest slice, with over 6 million students attending schools in the region.
Between local culture and values, specialty food, and local activities to do on and off campus, a school’s geographic location can greatly influence your college experience. Check out our college information pages to learn about schools across the country.
Source: College Enrollment Trends Among States
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Apple (Leadership)
America’s favorite pie, follow the apple pie’s lead by working on these top characteristics and skills that are essential to good leadership!
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Sour Cherry (Sleep Among High Schoolers)
While the number of hours of sleep students are getting each night oscillates between less than 5 and more than 9, we know sleep is incredibly important to academic success, both in school and on standardized tests. Our team of tutors recommends getting adequate sleep for the weeks leading up to test day. Read their other tips for acing your standardized tests here!
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Source: Training Industry’s survey on the eight major categories of characteristics/skills people find most desirable in a leader (Steven J. Stowell, Ph.D. and Stephanie S. Mead, MBA)