College Application Booster​®: High School Seniors, Get ahead on your college application!

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How to Write the Cornell University Essays

Updated for 2023-2024

For the 2023-2024 application cycle, Cornell University asks each student to answer at minimum two supplemental questions. Cornell asks the same first supplemental question of each applicant regardless of the school or program to which they are applying. Then, Cornell’s individual schools and colleges each ask applicants to answer one (or two) more questions to learn more about the applicant's specific academic interests.

Prompt 1:

In the aftermath of the U.S. Civil War, Ezra Cornell wrote, “I would found an institution where any person can find instruction in any study.” For over 150 years, Cornell University has remained deeply committed to Ezra’s vision. Explain how your life experiences will help inform your contributions to a learning community devoted to “… any person … any study.” We encourage you to think broadly about your life experiences, including how local (e.g., family, school, neighborhood) or global communities you’ve been part of have helped shape your perspective. (350 word limit)



This question requires you to consider how your life experiences will enrich the campus community at Cornell. Therefore, in addition to writing about yourself, you should include pertinent details about the college. Describe how specific (or a specific collection of) past experiences will translate to your student life at Cornell within the classroom and amongst the campus community.

As you begin to brainstorm your topic, start by considering the communities in which you are most intimately involved (i.e. your family, sports team, or school) before working outward to consider broader networks and communities in which you play a role. Consider not only how these experiences and communities have shaped you, but also the unique contributions that you have made to create a positive impact. Then, tie it all together by demonstrating how you will likewise contribute to the Cornell campus in specific and meaningful ways.


The school’s core values of “any person… any study” places special emphasis on interdisciplinary education. How will you take advantage of it?



I come from a tight-knit community of readers, though I’ve never belonged to a book club. I am the youngest of four siblings, all of whom love to read. My oldest sister was the one who taught me to read, and all my siblings read to me when I was little. As they have left the nest, we have continued sharing books we enjoy and still call each other to discuss them. We all have different interests and political views. Still, reading remains our way of connecting with each other and—importantly—of challenging each other and ourselves to consider perspectives different from our own.

Last Christmas, my oldest sister gifted me a copy of Primo Levi’s essay collection The Periodic Table. Each of Levi’s essays connects a particular chemical element to some aspect of his experience as a chemist, an Italian Jew and resistance fighter under Fascism, and a survivor of Auschwitz. Levi—who began writing to make known the horrors of the Nazi concentration camps—saw the work of the scientist and writer as “mutually reinforc[ing],” because both seek to uncover truth and make it available to humanity.

I admire Cornell because it, like Levi, takes a stand for the relationship between learning and public access to education. Given Cornell’s encouragement of interdisciplinary study, I hope to double major in Chemistry and English. My goal is to become a research chemist and writer who can help make scientific knowledge more accessible to the public.

To that end, I hope to continue my work as a chemistry editor for my high school’s STEM journal by becoming a science correspondent for Cornell’s Daily Sun. I’d also love to start a STEM Communication Club for students interested in writing about science in an accessible and public way, so that we may help bring the possibilities of “any person… any study” beyond the ivory tower.

Cornell also asks students to respond to specific questions depending on the specific school or program to which they are applying. Each of these questions requires meticulous insight and a description of why you chose to apply to that school and major. You will need to think carefully about why you would be a good fit for the college you are applying to, and demonstrate your academic fit based on your academic interests, extracurricular activities, or work experiences. Your writing should speak to your intellectual potential and reflect values Cornell considers important: honesty, open-mindedness, initiative, and empathy.

When writing the essay for any of the colleges, be sure to be specific about how you will take advantage of Cornell’s learning opportunities and resources in order to take your aspirations to the next level. Create a narrative arc for yourself. How would each experience contribute to your current hook as an applicant? Will you be continuing your current high school activities? Some examples you can write about include academic programs, study abroad opportunities, campus organizations and facilities, and research opportunities with faculty. Lastly, highlight your best traits by being forward-looking and positive about the future Cornell holds for you.

College of Agriculture and Life Sciences:

1. Why are you drawn to studying the major you have selected? Please discuss how your interests and related experiences have influenced your choice. How will an education from the College of Agriculture and Life Sciences (CALS) at Cornell University specifically serve to support your learning, growth, and the pursuit of your goals? (Required, 650 words)



The College of Agriculture and Life Sciences asks the broader “why this school” question, which is an opportunity to showcase your creativity! In addition to writing about yourself, don’t forget to include pertinent details about the college. Avoid writing broad statements that can apply to Cornell University as a whole. Rather, research and write about the unique aspects of the college you are applying to that appeal to you. Describe how your current passions and past experiences will translate to your student life at Cornell within the classroom and amongst the campus community.

Please note that CALS offers the two following optional supplementary questions. Always take advantage of extra space to write more about yourself, your outlook, and your attitude towards community.

The optional short-answer questions invite you to share additional information about your background, interests, and experiences as they relate to aspects of the Cornell CALS mission. The content of any responses submitted will be included in the holistic review of your application (which is also the case for any optional additional information submitted as part of your Common Application or uploaded through your Cornell Application Portal once you’ve applied).

1. At Cornell CALS, we aim to leave the world better than we found it, so we seek out those who are not simply driven to master their discipline, but who are also passionate about doing so to serve the public good. Please elaborate on an experience where you had a meaningful impact on people, a community, and/or an environment of importance to you.

2. Cornell CALS is dedicated to purpose-driven study of the agricultural, life, environmental, and social sciences and welcomes students with interests that span a wide variety of disciplines. Given our agricultural history and commitment to educating the next generation of agriculturalists, please share if you have a background or interest in agriculture, regardless of your intended major. An “agricultural entity” for the purpose of this question is defined as cultivating soil, growing crops, and raising livestock (e.g., farm, ranch, greenhouse, vineyard, etc.).

Select all that apply:
❏ A primary source of income for my parent/guardian(s) comes from ownership of or employment by an agricultural entity.
❏ My extended family owns or operates an agricultural entity.
❏ I have experience working in an agricultural entity.
❏ I have interest in pursuing a career in an agricultural entity.

College of Human Ecology:

How have your related experiences influenced your decision to apply to the College of Human Ecology (CHE)? How will your choice of major impact your goals and plans for the future? Your response should show us that your interests and aspirations align with CHE and your choice of major. (Refer to our essay application tips before you begin.) (650 words)



The College of Human Ecology asks the broader “why this school” question, which is an opportunity to showcase your creativity! In addition to writing about yourself, don’t forget to include pertinent details about the college. Avoid writing broad statements that can apply to Cornell University as a whole. Rather, research and write about the unique aspects of the college you are applying to that appeal to you. Describe how your current passions and past experiences will translate to your student life at Cornell within the classroom and amongst the campus community.

College of Arts and Sciences:

At the College of Arts and Sciences, curiosity will be your guide. Discuss how your passion for learning is shaping your academic journey, and what areas of study or majors excite you and why. Your response should convey how your interests align with the College, and how you would take advantage of the opportunities and curriculum in Arts and Sciences. (650 words)



The College of Arts and Sciences asks the broader “why this school” question, which is an opportunity to showcase your creativity! In addition to writing about yourself, don’t forget to include pertinent details about the college. Avoid writing broad statements that can apply to Cornell University as a whole. Rather, research and write about the unique aspects of the college you are applying to that appeal to you. Describe how your current passions and past experiences will translate to your student life at Cornell within the classroom and amongst the campus community.


The school’s core values of “any person… any study” places special emphasis on interdisciplinary education. How will you take advantage of it?
For example, to combine your interests in marketing and social justice, you might be interested in joining the marketing team for Anabel’s Grocery, a student-run organization addressing food insecurity on campus. Or, you might be interested in participating in a paid research opportunity under the Nexus Scholars Program, available for any discipline within the College of Arts and Sciences.

College of Architecture, Art, and Planning:

How do your interests directly connect with your intended major at the College of Architecture, Art and Planning (AAP)? Why architecture (B.Arch), art (BFA) or urban and regional studies (URS)? B.Arch applicants, please provide an example of how a creative project or passion sparks your motivation to pursue a 5-year professional degree program. BFA applicants may want to consider how they could integrate a range of interests and available resources at Cornell into a coherent art practice. URS students may want to emphasize their enthusiasm and depth of interest in the study of urban and regional issues. (650 words)



Home to one of the top-ranked undergraduate architecture programs in the U.S., the College of Architecture, Art, and Planning asks you to write about your authentic passions. Demonstrating your interests, however niche, is crucial to writing a stellar essay. Be specific in your description of how your interests or previous work confirmed your desire to pursue the degree, and in your mention of the opportunities you intend to take advantage of once at the college. Pick and choose the elements from this college that excite you, including programs, professors, or extracurricular activities, and write about how they will complement your academic endeavors.

Cornell SC Johnson College of Business:

What kind of business student are you? Using your personal, academic, or volunteer/work experiences, describe the topics or issues that you care about and why they are important to you. Your response should convey how your interests align with the school to which you are applying within the Cornell SC Johnson College of Business (the Charles H. Dyson School of Applied Economics and Management or the Cornell Peter and Stephanie Nolan School of Hotel Administration). (650 words)



Be as clear and as straightforward as possible when answering this question. Show how you fit the ideals of a business student that the Johnson College looks for (which can be found through their Mission & Values). The SC Johnson College has two branches of undergraduate study: Charles H. Dyson School of Applied Economics and Management and the School of Hotel Administration. The School of Hotel Administration places emphasis on hospitality and management, while Dyson expands to applied economics and policy, finance, and strategy.

In consideration of the level of specialization this school offers, recall the past experiences that speak to your diligence, communication skills, interdisciplinary thinking, or entrepreneurial curiosity. What have you learned from your pursuits in business, finance, or any other kind of work? Are you good at working with others? Why are you applying to the Johnson College of Business, as opposed to the College of Arts and Sciences? How can studying at this college help you to achieve your future ambitions?

College of Engineering:

All Engineering applicants are required to write two supplemental essays. Each has a limit of 250 words. Essay 1 is required of all applicants. For Essay 2, you must choose between Question A and Question B.

Essay 1:
How do your interests directly connect with Cornell Engineering? If you have an intended major, what draws you to that department at Cornell Engineering? If you are unsure what specific engineering field you would like to study, describe how your general interest in engineering most directly connects with Cornell Engineering. It may be helpful to concentrate on one or two things that you are most excited about.* (250 words)

Essay 2:
Choose either Question A or Question B. *
Question A: Describe an engineering problem that impacts your local community. This could be your school, neighborhood, town, region, or a group you identify with. Describe one to three things you might do as an engineer to solve the problem.
Question B: Diversity in all forms is intrinsic to excellence in engineering. Engineering the best solutions to complex problems is often achieved by drawing from the diverse ingenuity of people from different backgrounds, lived experiences, and identities. How do you see yourself contributing to the diversity and/or the inclusion of the Cornell Engineering community? What is the unique voice you would bring to the Cornell Engineering community? (250 words)



For the College of Engineering, you should aim to highlight your collaboration and problem-solving skills– what specific occasion demonstrates your top-notch qualifications as an applicant? Show your enthusiasm for engineering by writing about what you specifically intend to study, the professors whose research interests align with your own and how your work at the College will help you succeed in your future career ambitions!


As an engineering student at Cornell, you will have the opportunity to participate in many team-building opportunities, so describe your strengths as a team player through past examples. Then, you will want to write a bit about how you intend to apply your skills to a Cornell Engineering opportunity. Start by exploring the programs and opportunities available outside of the classroom, such as multi-disciplinary programs that allow students to apply their classroom knowledge to the real world. These can include building water treatment plant technology or working with World Health to create a meaningful impact! Cornell is especially famous for its Engineering project teams, which represent 14 engineering majors and compete in national and international competitions.

School of Industrial and Labor Relations:

Using your personal, academic, or volunteer/work experiences, describe the topics or issues that you care about and why they are important to you. Your response should show us that your interests align with the ILR School. (650 words)



The courses offered by the ILR School are particularly unique, so if you’re thinking about pursuing law school or public policy, this college might just be the place for you! The school is well-known for studying human behavior from an economics perspective in order to understand how to improve societal efficiency. Therefore, when this prompt asks you to write about your past experiences, it means that the focus should be placed on the broader picture than on the literal experience. Discuss the best examples from your life that exemplify your critical thinking and problem-solving skills. Once you discuss your experience and interests, you’ll want to relate them to your future course of study at the School of Industrial and Labor Relations. Read about ILR’s program and curriculum, and write about why you share the school’s goals to understand work, employment, and labor through a social science lens.

Brooks School of Public Policy:

Why are you drawn to studying public policy? Drawing on your experiences, tell us about why you are interested in your chosen major and how attending the Brooks School will help you achieve your life goals.* (650 words)



A new school that opened recently, the Brooks School of Public Policy seeks students interested in Policy Analysis and Management or Health Care Policy. As the Brooks School is another college with very specific requirements and programs of study, showing extensive research and expertise in their newly created opportunities would make your essay shine. Make sure to carefully study all their offerings including course selections, the Peer-Mentoring program, career paths, and research opportunities and to write about those that best suit your needs in an intentional manner!