The Common App is Open! Get your application done over a weekend with the College Application Booster​®.

2022 Command Education Pro Bono Application

Applications will be open until November 30, 2021 9pm ET. All application materials must be submitted and uploaded through this site. Please ask your recommenders to send you a PDF file of the Letter of Recommendation so that you can upload it to this site. You will hear back from Command Education ONLY if your application has been accepted by Decemebr 15, 2021.

Essay Questions

Please respond to Prompt #1 and one of the options between Prompts 2-4

Written essays should be roughly one page each (Times New Roman Font, 12). Please upload a PDF file of your essay. Alternatively, you may submit a video response to the prompts in place of a written essay. Video submissions should be approximately 2 minutes in length.

  1. What are your academic and career interests that you’d like to pursue in college? How do you think that working with Command Education will help you achieve these goals?
  2. According to the multiverse theory, there are an infinite number of universes that exist for even the slightest change from ours. If you could hop over to an almost identical universe, what small change to daily life would you hope to see?
  3. Write about something (a person, idea, word, joke, video, etc) that you think is hilarious that no one else seems to find funny.
  4. If you could be an expert at doing something that most consider “pointless” what would it be?

Letters of Recommendation

Please attach two letters of recommendation to this application. Letters of recommendation can come from teachers, counselors, coaches, bosses, or religious leaders. These letters should consist of roughly a page about the context in which they know you, your positive traits, and why you would be an excellent fit for this program designed to help you improve your application and apply to top colleges. All letters must be dated.

Filling out this application does not guarantee a spot in our pro bono program as space is very limited.

Submit your Application

Before submitting your application, please make sure you have all your information and files ready for upload.

(including any applicable electives)
Click or drag files to this area to upload. You can upload up to 4 files.
Please label files Lastname_Firstname_Prompt or Lastname_Firstname_LetterofRec